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Tempreture varies from 26 to 36 C in October

The search for the perfect beach destination in India leads to Goa. The small state located on the west coast of India is one of the most popular tourist destinations

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Forts of Goa


Goa, ruled by various rulers over the centuries, has a rich and colorful history. You can get a glimpse of its eventful history in the various forts of Goa. The scenic beauty that surrounds the forts is one of the main attractions that lure visitors to these parts.

Most of the forts of Goa are surrounded by moats that separate the imposing walls of the fort. This is a signature trait that can be seen in many of the Portuguese structures. These Goan forts are in fact important, if you are interested in the early architectural styles of the state. Low, sturdy and thick tapering parapets were usually supported by turrets. The ramparts, where once the canons stood are at times the only remains of these forts in Goa.

Terekhol Fort:

You can start, exploring the various forts of Goa, from the northern tip of the state. The fort of Terekhol stands tall, near the mouth of the Terekhol River. This 17th century fort also houses a church within. The view of the confluence of the river and the sea is the highlight of your visit to this place.

Fort Aguada:

This is one of the largest forts built during the Portuguese era. An old lighthouse and a well are two things of historical importance worth seeing inside the fort. Your visit also includes a chance to see the largest prison of Goa.

Fort Chapora:

Located in Mapusa are the ruins of what was once the seat of Portuguese rule in Goa. The fort of Chapora was built by the Portuguese to fight against possible invasion. The view of the sea, beyond the crumbling walls of the fort is magnificent. You can gaze a long way into the sea, standing on the walls.

Fort Cabo da Rama:

Gradually traveling from North till South Goa, you come across the Fort Cabo da Rama. This fort also houses a church, which is the only remaining structure that stands in one piece; the rest of the fort is in ruins. The fort has been under Portuguese and Indian rule, changing hands several times.